DJ Nobu Bassiani podcast

Get your fix in isolation with one of the best to do it.

For many of you devout tech­no heads, DJ Nobu always offers a great deal of excite­ment in any of his son­ic out­put. We can imag­ine many of you were excit­ed to catch the tech­no heavy­weight some­where along his trav­els in the com­ing months. As sad­den­ing as that is, all is not lost! Thank­ful­ly land­ing at a time we need our son­ic heal­ing most, DJ Nobu pro­vides the lat­est pod­cast for the Tbil­isi based dance tem­ple Bassiani. 

In this affair, Nobu invites you for an exclu­sive hour of trip­ping tech­no. Cast­ing son­ic spells with his use of mul­ti­ple decks he locks you into a hyp­no­tis­ing jour­ney giv­ing you the abil­i­ty to envi­sion your­self back some­where on a dance­floor. Deploy­ing metal­lic sounds, heav­i­ly intri­cate syn­the­sis and ver­sa­tile rhythms Nobu’s mix builds beau­ti­ful­ly which he arranges with pre­ci­sion in his sig­na­ture style. Try it out below! 

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