Octo Live Stream: KI/KI

KI/KI streams in aid of Doc­tors With­out Bor­ders who sup­port peo­ple in cri­sis situations. 

As you may or may not know last month we launched our Octo Live Stream work­ing with our ros­ter of artists who will trans­mit to you direct from iso­la­tion. Each artist will select a char­i­ty tack­ling coro­na based issues that you can sup­port if pos­si­ble. Every lit­tle helps! Fol­low­ing on from enthralling streams by Legow­elt and Iden­ti­fied Patient was an artist who has fast sent shock­waves through the Dutch scene and beyond most notably via her res­i­den­cy at one of Amsterdam’s most cel­e­brat­ed queer par­ties Spiel­raum.… KI/KI of course! 

Stream­ing to you live from her Ams­ter­dam based stu­dio KI/KI wast­ed no time at all as she kicked straight into gear at the 140 bpm mark. With blood rush­ing selec­tions she depict­ed the atmos­phere of an intense late-night ware­house affair for the best part of near­ly two hours. By doing so she exem­pli­fied her diverse style that gives the club (or in this case stream waves) a fresh per­spec­tive with an old sound. Join the rave here!

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