Experimental recordings by Bambounou

Talk with the birds in this tex­tured mix of field record­ings cap­tur­ing nature’s choir.

Iso­la­tion has test­ed us all but in times like these we have to do what we can. As an artist, this might result in exper­i­ment­ing with new ideas as proven in this new out­ing by Bam­bounou

This mix ide­alis­es my dream jour­ney in nature after lock­down, with all its phas­es, from appre­hen­sion to hope.

I hope you, like me, enjoy the orig­i­nal singers of this world.

This includes a record­ing I made at the botan­i­cal gar­den of Mel­bourne when I toured Aus­tralia in May 2018.

Thank you” 

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