Electric Eden NTS Show

w/​Dona­to Dozzy, Eva Geist & Mar­co Shuttle. 

At the start of the quar­an­tine peri­od, Dona­to Dozzy and Eva Geist launched a new radio show on NTS. The show is some­what a response to the lock­down peri­od focussing on the sounds that have been loy­al to them in iso­la­tion. Now in its third episode, check out the first and sec­ond, the show wel­comes its first guest – fel­low Ital­ian and Spazio Disponi­bile artist Mar­co Shut­tle

Air­ing for two hours late Sun­day evening (28th June) the show was divid­ed into two halves. The for­mer was han­dled by hosts Dozzy and Geist who walk you through a detailed son­ic can­vas of cin­e­mat­ic sketch­es and deep ambi­ent tim­bres pro­vok­ing thoughts and emo­tions at every turn. Mar­co Shut­tle runs with the same themes of his coun­ter­parts but also guides you through pas­sages of per­cus­sion, min­i­mal­ism and avant-garde. 

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