KI/KI on Club Quarantäne

Lis­ten back to the record­ing of KI/KI at the lat­est edi­tion of Club Quarantäne. 

In the wake of COVID-19, Res­i­dent Advi­sor formed an online club­bing expe­ri­ence to keep the elec­tron­ic music com­mu­ni­ty unit­ed and fans and artists engaged dur­ing what has played out to be very uncer­tain times. Titled Club Quar­an­täne’ they cre­at­ed a series of 36-hour vir­tu­al raves start­ing on a Fri­day evening and draw­ing to a close by Sun­day after­noon. For their third edi­tion, they invit­ed a selec­tion of their cur­rent favourite artists which includ­ed the Ams­ter­dam based DJ KI/KI

Stream­ing live in the ear­ly hours of the Sat­ur­day morn­ing KI/KI came prepped for an all-out peak time expe­ri­ence. Pac­ing through 28 tracks over the dura­tion of 90 min­utes she offers relent­less ener­gy with blood rush­ing out­comes. Bridg­ing the gaps between Rave, Elec­tro, Tech­no and Trance she paces through the last sev­er­al decades high­light­ing dance­floor bangers from through­out the eras. 

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