Legowelt - Pancakes With Mist album

It’s been a busy year for the Dutchman. 

2020 has been a great year so far for Legow­elt fans. Since the turn of the decade, we have already seen four Legow­elt albums on top of sev­er­al oth­er excit­ing out­ings. The year start­ed with The Land Is Entranced With Peace’, short­ly fol­lowed by Secrets After Dreams’, in April he released Tips For Life’ and in May he dropped Folk Tri­umfa­tor’ – a col­lab­o­ra­tion with medieval music expert Jimi Hellinga. And if all that was­n’t enough, here is his lat­est Pan­cakes With Mist’. 

1. Under a Gold­en Dome
2. Words are Spo­ken but do not Enlight­en
3. Your Angels Drowned on the Beach
4. Bak­ing Cook­ies in Men­doza
5. Shad­ows in the Street Life
6. Pan­cakes With Mist
7. Side by Side We Ride Against The Hordes of EDM
8. When Will all the Morons Dis­a­pear
9. Edel­weiss Rhein­gold
10. You Are Just a Sad Holo­gram Pro­ject­ed From The Edge Of The Universe

For those of you who watched his stream for the Inter­galac­tic FM Fes­ti­val, you may have heard a few of these already. Across the ten tracks, you will find shades of house, elec­tro, tech­no and Ita­lo but what most notably ties them all togeth­er is Legow­elts sig­na­ture use of dis­tor­tion. The album is drip­ping in Lo-Fi tac­tics and fea­tures plen­ty of vocal work through­out, see below. 

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