Orpheu The Wizard Rush Hour stream

We teamed up with Rush Hour to bring you streams by Orpheu The Wizard and more.

Last week we joined forces with the leg­endary Ams­ter­dam based record store Rush Hour to bring you an evening of streams – the first of an ongo­ing series that will con­tin­ue through­out the sum­mer. Via these trans­mis­sions, Rush Hour will invite a selec­tion of their favourite local artists which you might have guessed by now includes sev­er­al names from the Octo­pus ros­ter. Up first was Lena Wil­likens, Ele­na Colom­bi and the one and only Orpheu The Wizard. 

Clos­ing out the evening for the final hour The Wiz­ard digs deep into his crates with many offer­ings along the way. He finds the ide­al start­ing point with a num­ber of hor­i­zon­tal­ly inclined selec­tions – part ambi­ent, part rhyth­mic. Orpheu then moves onto unearthing a dozen play­ful jams rang­ing from wild melodies to in your face-punch­ing beats that are all ooz­ing in the sounds of clas­sic drum machines and vin­tage syn­the­siz­ers – you know the sound…see here.

Next up: Antal & Young Mar­co Thurs­day 9th July. 

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