KI/KI Bassiani podcast

If the mem­o­ry of marathon ware­house nights feels a lit­tle dis­tant, Bassiani Pod­cast 76 might be just what you were look­ing for.”

Han­dling the lat­est edi­tion of the Bassiani invites series is the fast-ris­ing Ams­ter­dam based KI/KI. Hav­ing made last­ing impres­sions at the Geor­gian based club with two sets on the same week­end ear­li­er this year, last­ing 17 hours com­bined, it seemed like a per­fect fit to find her on their beloved pod­cast series. 

I was invit­ed to make a mix for one of my favorite clubs in the world.

Con­tain­ing a lot of left­over quar­an­tine ener­gy and often lis­tened tracks dur­ing this peri­od. Thx for the invi­ta­tion, real­ly enjoyed record­ing this mix.”

Play­ing true to the rep­u­ta­tion of the club KI/KI deliv­ers a pound­ing son­ic assault which per­fect­ly depicts the atmos­phere of the leg­endary space. This instal­ment is a seam­less dose of boun­cy, tran­scen­dent rave’ are the words Bassiani use to describes the mix – which seems rather fit­ting. Tune in below. 

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