GiGi FM streams for FOLD

Transmissions from London.

GiGi FM cap­tures imag­i­na­tions with cre­ative intu­ition. Asso­ci­at­ing tex­tures and colours with the sounds she hears, GiGi has a tru­ly unique approach to col­lect­ing, select­ing, play­ing and mak­ing music afford­ing her a nat­ur­al abil­i­ty to cre­ate atmos­pheres and ambi­ence, unlike many oth­ers. In her lat­est out­ing, the French/​Italian force to be reck­oned with was invit­ed to the Can­ning Town based cre­ative space FOLD for an evening of streams along­side Theo Nasa, Nakamo and S Ruston.

Over the course of an hour, GiGi invites us into her world as she brims with ener­gy from behind the booth. Fol­low­ing a few soft touch­es of ambi­ence in the open­ing min­utes, she gets straight down to it util­is­ing heav­i­ly per­cus­sive, sub­ter­ranean and hyp­not­ic selec­tions. As we reach the mid­point she turns to a num­ber of four to the floor deep tech­no works that are lat­er met with clos­ing pas­sages of drum and bass. Tune in here.

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