Kangding Ray's S̷U̷R̷G̷E̷

Kangding Ray presents a sound, move­ment and light per­for­mance: S̷U̷R̷G̷E̷, with chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, Tama­ra Gvozdenovic.

Since last year, David Letel­li­er has worked with per­for­mance artist, Tama­ra Gvoz­de­n­ovic. Togeth­er they test the bound­aries of move­ment, the body and sound, this being their third col­lab­o­ra­tive work. 

Revolv­ing around the sto­ry of a near-death expe­ri­ence, S̷U̷R̷G̷E̷ explores the frag­ment­ed mem­o­ries and dis­tort­ed per­cep­tion of time in the con­text of an imag­i­nary club. A split-sec­ond hal­lu­ci­na­tion stretched over an hour-long chore­o­graphed dream, the dance per­for­mance pre­miered at at b12 Fes­ti­val in Berlin along­side 14 dancers on 16th July 2022. As part of a tril­o­gy, they hope to devel­op the con­cept in the next few years.

Kangding Ray has through­out his career main­tained a gen­uine artis­tic approach, while deliv­er­ing pow­er­ful club-lean­ing tracks and beau­ti­ful cin­e­mat­ic sound­scapes. While explor­ing and push­ing the poten­tial of his sound, he slow­ly built a raw and vis­cer­al uni­verse, focused on the rit­u­al of col­lec­tive danc­ing, and the emo­tion­al response to sound.

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