NVST: Dekmantel Podcast

NVST turns her tal­ents towards the Dek­man­tel pod­cast series.

Record­ed at Lau­sanne club, Le Bourg, the set is a true prod­uct of her local scene. A reminder of the impor­tance of brick and mor­tar venues and the sup­port of a com­mu­ni­ty in fos­ter­ing a musi­cal scene. With many unre­leased tracks from friends and artists that she admires, as well as forth­com­ing mate­r­i­al from on her own label Big Sci­ence, the set is a mosa­ic that tells the sto­ry of what makes her sound her own. A trip down her own DJ mem­o­ry lane (and 11 USB sticks), in her own words.

Speak­ing on the ongo­ing sys­temic vio­lence & police bru­tal­i­ty of BIPOC world­wide, NVSTs pod­cast opens with US activist, Tami­ka Mallory’s 2020 State of Emer­gency” speech from the Min­neapo­lis protests fol­low­ing the mur­der of George Floyd. 

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