Bradley Zero Press Photo 5

Bradley Zero

Hail­ing from Peck­ham via Leeds, Bradley Zero is quick­ly becom­ing the taste-mak­er of his gen­er­a­tion. As founder of the Rhythm Sec­tion insti­tu­tion, Bradley has carved out a unique role for him­self with­in the vibrant Lon­don scene as Res­i­dent Club DJ, Broad­cast­er and Label Boss of one of the most excit­ing new imprints today – Rhythm Sec­tion International.

Hav­ing start­ed the Rhythm Sec­tion radio show back in 2009, the broad­cast nat­u­ral­ly trans­lat­ed into a fort­night­ly dance at Canavan’s Peck­ham Pool Club, which quick­ly became a firm fix­ture in the Lon­don Club­bing scene. Res­i­dent Advi­sor and Dum­my described it as A par­ty which, in spite of its mod­est means and ambi­tions, has been some­thing of an epiphany for me, and for plen­ty of oth­ers too” and some of the best music in Lon­don” respectively. 

A pas­sion for danc­ing, an urge to dis­cov­er and a need to share.”

Bradley Zero

This pio­neer­ing work in build­ing the foun­da­tions for club cul­ture in Peck­ham did not go unno­ticed and soon Bradley was enlist­ed as a core pro­gram­mer and host of the Boil­er Room, when the plat­form was still in it’s infan­cy. Dur­ing the ear­ly days of the show ‑along­side Tasker, Drake­ford and Thris­t­ian — Bradley helped shape Boil­er Room into the world con­quer­ing insti­tu­tion that it is today, help­ing steer it in a mul­ti­tude of musi­cal direc­tions to shine light on the likes of Hia­tus Kaiy­ote, Mood Hut, Beau­ti­ful Swim­mers, Jan Schulte, Nils Frahm, Jay Daniel and count­less oth­er under­ground heroes whose music had yet to reach a wider audience. 

In 2014, Bradley’s ears fell upon Al Dob­son Jr‘s fine­ly craft­ed grooves. This led to release of Rye Lane Vol. 1 and the cre­ation his record label Rhythm Sec­tion INTL, pro­vid­ing a plat­form for local and import­ed musi­cal pro­duce. As 2014 became 2015, RS INTL was nom­i­nat­ed for label of the year’ at Gilles Peterson’s world­wide awards and it was around this time that Bradley moved away from reg­u­lar duties at the BR office in order to devote more time to the ever grow­ing Rhythm Sec­tion oper­a­tion, both at home and on a glob­al scale. The last few years have seen Rhythm Sec­tion INTL release some of the biggest records of the year, help­ing kick start the careers of AL Dob­son Jr, Hen­ry Wu, Chaos in the CBD and FYI Chris along the way.

As the label gar­ners new fans every­day, Bradley is quick­ly becom­ing a famil­iar face on the inter­na­tion­al cir­cuit, with his glob­al approach to music bring­ing him not just around the UK and Europe but to Aus­tralia, Cairo, Beirut, Istan­bul, Tel Aviv, Kaza­khstan, Sin­ga­pore, Rus­sia, Indone­sia, Korea and Japan in 2017 alone.

In 2018, Bradley was enlist­ed for a BBC Radio 1 res­i­den­cy which looks set to car­ry on into 2019 with the show gath­er­ing momen­tum, shed­ding light on music of the high­est quality. 

At the core of it all is an infec­tious love for music, a pas­sion for danc­ing, an urge to dis­cov­er and a need to share which add togeth­er to make the man known as Bradley Zero (his real name!), one of the most vital selec­tors in the game, both behind the scenes and under the spotlight.

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