NVST Press Photo 1


DJ and pro­duc­er NVST from Switzer­land has estab­lished her­self as one of the ris­ing stars of the inter­na­tion­al club­bing and elec­tron­ic music scene. Play­ing uncom­pro­mis­ing sets around the world, this hyper­ac­tive artist seems insa­tiable. A reg­u­lar guest at the most pres­ti­gious club­bing fes­ti­vals (Ams­ter­dam Dance Event, Pos­i­tive Edu­ca­tion, Dek­man­tel Selec­tors) and the trendi­est clubs of the moment (Garage Noord, Tre­sor, Ankali, Zhao Dai), she leaves no one indif­fer­ent. In addi­tion to DJ sets under her own name, she is part of The Drift Insti­tute, a live group that blends post-punk, abstract, and techno.

NVST’s grow­ing rep­u­ta­tion is built on sharp, pow­er­ful, and deeply com­mit­ted sets. Tak­ing her audi­ence by sur­prise, she does­n’t hes­i­tate to put them in uncom­fort­able sit­u­a­tions to lead them into a trance. Break­beats, indus­tri­al, tech­no, and acid are just a few of the strings to her bow. Her style draws from all gen­res in order to tran­scend them and cre­ate moments of col­lec­tive communion.

The val­ues that dri­ve NVST’s approach to DJing are far from con­ven­tion­al­ism and com­mer­cial approach­es. As an advo­cate for a more open and inclu­sive elec­tron­ic music scene, she is part of the Female:Pressure fam­i­ly and fights for bet­ter rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the nightlife industry.

In addi­tion to her already impres­sive sched­ule, she co-directs the Big Sci­ence label with War­zou, a sound exper­i­men­ta­tion lab­o­ra­to­ry focused on mar­gin­al elec­tron­ic music. She is also a res­i­dent DJ on LYL­Ra­dio and Rinse FM.

NVST’s vast discog­ra­phy speaks for itself. Not only has she released an EP and two albums under her own name, but she has also col­lab­o­rat­ed with The Drift Insti­tute and has an upcom­ing album set to be released under the Gene­va-based label Les Dis­ques Mag­né­tiques (a sub-label of Dis­ques Bon­go Joe). In addi­tion to these accom­plish­ments, her recent fea­ture in a Tre­sor com­pi­la­tion solid­i­fies her posi­tion at the fore­front of cut­ting-edge under­ground elec­tron­ic music.

Latest updates

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NVST: Easy life on Rinse France

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NVST: Boiler room Zurich

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NVST: Sweatbox BBC Radio 6

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NVST: Easy life w/ Mânaa

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NVST: Kiosk Radio 150224

NVST: Easy Life 12.02.2024

NVST: Easy Life 12.02.2024

NVST: 'Silence Itself Is Noise' is out

NVST: 'Silence Itself Is Noise' is out

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NVST: pre-order Silence Itself Is Noise

NVST: Easy life w/ Rinse France

NVST: Easy life w/ Rinse France

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