NVST: pre-order Silence Itself Is Noise

NVST has just released two tracks of her upcom­ing SSPB debut EP Silence Itself Is Noise’, set to drop on Jan­u­ary 262024.

Tiny Mis­takes Feel­ing Hot (Hellis­no­tamyth Ver­sion), the acid-tinged inau­gur­al sin­gle from her upcom­ing SSPB debut EP Silence Itself Is Noise’, can now be pre-ordered through all the plat­form, togeth­er with The Goat And The Night, the 2nd sin­gle off NVSTs upcom­ing EP on SSPB.

Demon­strat­ing an unwa­ver­ing com­mit­ment to push­ing bound­aries, the first open­ing track coa­lesces from curl­ing vapors into infer­nal acid lines and rhyth­mic frag­ments that evap­o­rate almost as soon as they appear. Enrap­tur­ing, bewitch­ing vocal sequences of mag­net­ic force chase us through every room in the club, sneak­ing in through the walls and thriv­ing in dark corners. 

NVST once again guides and trans­forms sounds into emo­tion­al­ly charged expe­ri­ences, lead­ing the lis­ten­er on a hyp­n­a­gog­ic, late-night club trip that tru­ly engulfs every­thing and everyone.

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