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The Drift Institute

The Swiss artist NVST and the Bre­ton Théo Muller met in the moun­tains of Ardèche where, by chance, they were able to share the turnta­bles togeth­er for the first time for sev­er­al hours with an insane emo­tion. Fol­low­ing this episode, despite the dis­tance sep­a­rat­ing them and the many post­pone­ments of res­i­dences caused by the epi­dem­ic, the two artists met again to write an album in Brit­tany and then in Switzer­land in less than two weeks between Sep­tem­ber and Decem­ber 2021.

In this col­lab­o­ra­tive album mix­ing spo­ken word and trip hop rhythms, the pro­duc­ers invite their lis­ten­ers to a deep dive into an eso­teric uni­verse where black mag­ic is com­bined with polit­i­cal revolt to offer a com­plete and execu­to­ry experience.

Over­flow­ing with var­i­ous musi­cal influ­ences (dark ambi­ent, drone, indus­tri­al music, dub) the musi­cal com­po­si­tion is a sub­tle mix of intox­i­cat­ing melodies, envelop­ing metal­lic tex­tures, and heady rhythms plung­ing the lis­ten­er into a state close to bewitch­ment. This music invites you to indulge in this haunt­ing trance that cul­mi­nates in a sen­so­ry cathar­sis in some of the album’s more explo­sive phases.

But the alche­my also comes from the fusion of the sens­es and the sense”, because in addi­tion to the musi­cal intox­i­ca­tion, emerges from the album a com­mit­ted speech rest­ing on the texts writ­ten and shout­ed by the musi­cian NVST. Sim­i­lar to mantras, these lyrics unfold in an acid crit­i­cism of mod­ern soci­ety and denounce all its devi­a­tions: eco­nom­ic dom­i­na­tion, the deprav­i­ty of the cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem, police vio­lence, and mass sur­veil­lance — so many deviances and injus­tices that invite aware­ness and revolt. But in the Drift Insti­tute, the revolt is no longer only ide­o­log­i­cal, it becomes car­nal because it is not rea­son that makes rev­o­lu­tions, it is bodies.

To take this dis­course out of its lit­er­al dimen­sion and bring it towards a super­nat­ur­al and vis­cer­al expe­ri­ence, NVST and Théo Muller draw an atmos­phere with pow­er­ful and enig­mat­ic sym­bol­ic evo­ca­tions. Bor­row­ing from the codes of witch­craft and occult sci­ences, they deploy a strong­ly cin­e­mato­graph­ic uni­verse and pro­pose a nar­ra­tive path cen­tered around the fig­ure of the Drift Insti­tute. A mys­te­ri­ous secret soci­ety estab­lished in a cas­tle with a goth­ic aes­thet­ic, its mis­sion is to purge evil from the world and its lead­ers dur­ing dark shaman­ic cer­e­monies. A ter­ri­fy­ing process, but nec­es­sary for the advent of a more just world, free of its infamies.

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