Carrier: Fathom

FATH­OM, Car­ri­ers third EP, show­cas­es Guy Brew­er’s unwa­ver­ing refine­ment of pre­cise elec­tron­ic ele­ments, evolv­ing beyond his pre­vi­ous works into unclas­si­fi­able variations.

Car­ri­er is his son­ic ves­sel in this new era, lib­er­at­ing his pri­or restric­tions to high­light the out­er kinet­ic recess­es of exper­i­men­tal sounds that finds a nat­ur­al home on Perko’s ever-evolv­ing FELT imprint.

The title track twitch­es along in hal­lu­ci­na­to­ry abstrac­tion, cir­cling the depths with glitched-out pro­gram­ming and fogged-out atmos­pher­ics. The Cusp nar­rows its gaze, med­i­tat­ing on a tense drum rol­lage that teeters on mel­lowed men­ace. Mark­ers then forms a mech­a­nised rinse-out of rum­bling subs and plum­met­ing step­pers momen­tum. Trooper unfurls in a finale of future-shocked half time rol­lage and arpeg­giat­ed tex­tures that affirms Car­ri­ers unwa­ver­ing vision in sound and style.

Writ­ten & Pro­duced by Guy Alexan­der Brew­er
Mas­tered by Rashad Beck­er @ Clunk, Berlin
Dis­trib­uted by Rubadub

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