Emily Jeanne b2b Carrier at Kiosk Radio

Emi­ly Jeanne closed 2023 at Kiosk with a last b2b with Carrier. 

1. Her­ron — Reduc­er
2. qwqwqwqwa — Perk
3. Dj ojo — Improb­a­ble Style
4. Toupaz — Gaudy
5. Cor­tex of Light — Mush­room Tem­ple Dub
6. Back­words — Nav­i­ga­tion
7. CZN — Liz Busi­ness
8. Cam­bo­ja — Hap­py for some mys­te­ri­ous rea­son 9. STL — Ghost­drive
10. Harold Uunk — Mean­ing Of A Saw­tooth 11. Piezo — El San­gre
12. LOFT — Oh Well, We’re All Fucked Now
13. Ter­rain — Vin­tage
14. Kata­ton­ic Silen­tio — Vis­cerale
15. Pen­dle Coven- Brit­tle Bones
16. Lena Ander­s­son — Das Tier
17. Beat­rice Dil­lon- Curl
18. ZOHAR — Osh
19. Sock­et­head — Make Myself Cry
20. Bur­ial — Lambeth

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