Function: Bassiani Podcast #186

The Bassiani Pod­cast 186 fea­tures a live record­ing from this tech­no leg­end, offer­ing a three-hour son­ic journey.

Func­tions tech­no is an ambi­ent fog in which sin­is­ter arc­tic synths and per­ilous rhythms col­lide to pro­duce an exquis­ite fusion that would be hard to mis­take for any­one else. Those grainy tex­tures, sub­ter­ranean rip­ples and pun­ish­ing kick drums are a hyp­not­ic rework of his many influ­ences: 90s loops with a more mod­ern and sharp­er indus­tri­al edge. 

Pod­cast 186 is an impas­sioned live-record­ing from the club that weaves through a num­ber of ham­mer­ing tracks and steadi­ly climbs towards its furi­ous cli­max. A hair-rais­ing three-hour beast cour­tesy of this dec­o­rat­ed tech­no behemoth.

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