GiGi FM: Kiwi Synthesis Diary Vol.2 is out

It's official! GiGi FM just released her EP “Kiwi Synthesis Diary Vol.2” as the first one on her own label sea.rene_records.

Col­or­ful, immer­sive, cos­mic is how GiGi her­self describes her lat­est release, she proud­ly brought out, Decem­ber 1, on her own label sea.rene records. Togeth­er with Dance wax, she breaks down her EP, called Kiwi Syn­the­sis Diary Vol.2, cel­e­brat­ing the exchange between her, as the own­er of the jour­nal, and its read­er through euphor­ic sound­scapes and vibrant psychedelia. 

Read the full inter­view via the fol­low­ing link.

Across five tracks (plus a sixth dig­i­tal bonus cut), the producer’s sparkling ambi­ent-infused tech­no creeps fur­ther into club music ter­ri­to­ry with surg­ing 4/4 rhythms and huge melod­ic swells. Lead sin­gle, Amadamushies’ – which dropped last month – is a prop­er lobe-tick­ler with twitchy rhythms and undu­lat­ing drones, while cuts like Spazio Tele­trasporto’ and Tsur’ roam deep­er into the cos­mos with lumi­nous syn­th­work and tough, tac­tile percussion.

1. Amadamushies”
, mush­room trip enfold­ing as journez through bin­au­r­al pres­sure heal­ing fre­quen­cies and release.

2. Tevo­ra” is the embod­i­ment of cos­mic teach­ings and con­fi­dence, tied to the numerol­o­gy num­ber 9, sym­bol­iz­ing com­ple­tion, whole­ness, and spir­i­tu­al insight.

3. Sly Xupete Di Barcelona” recalls a trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ence with Xupete, a strain of weed from Barcelona. It awak­ened a sense of urgency — now or nev­er, encour­ag­ing us to act on our desires immediately.

4. Spazio Tele­trasporto” is a cos­mic voy­age, enveloped in vivid blue hues, guid­ing and mes­mer­iz­ing us into the depths of the cos­mos and our inner consciousness.

5. House­hop­ping (Kerop­pi)”an iron­ic cre­ation born dur­ing a dark peri­od when I sought refuge from a harass­ing neigh­bor. Through music, I tried to escape and find hap­pi­ness and it led me to befriend­ed Keroppi. 

6. Tsu­ru“ means heron in Japan­ese, and holds a spe­cial place in my heart, sym­bol­iz­ing ele­gance, grace, and good for­tune. It’s a trib­ute to my con­nec­tion with these birds, Japan­ese mythol­o­gy, and my best friend Louise.

Kiwi Syn­the­sis Diary Vol.2 is out on all platforms.

GiGi FM: Kiwi Synthesis Diary Vol.2 is out
GiGi FM: Kiwi Synthesis Diary Vol.2 is out

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