Il Quadro di Troisi: La Commedia out now!

Every­thing changes, all things evolve: four years after their epony­mous debut, Il Quadro di Troisi return with a new album

La Com­me­dia” marks the band’s embrace of a more tra­di­tion­al song form, shaped by a very per­son­al and dis­tinc­tive musi­cal style. The dis­tin­guish­ing ele­ments of Il Quadro di Troisis music meld into a unique mix that is both seduc­tive and eerie, ele­gant and earthy, con­tem­po­rary and time­less. The per­fect cir­cle traced by Eva Geist (aka Andrea Noce) and Dona­to Dozzy (aka Dona­to Scara­muzzi) becomes a tri­an­gle with the per­ma­nent addi­tion of Pietro Micioni, who col­lab­o­rat­ed in the pre­vi­ous record­ings and had been part of ll Quadro’s live set.

The influ­ence of these tur­bu­lent times is felt in the writ­ing: La Com­me­dia is about turn­ing a cri­sis into an oppor­tu­ni­ty and using change as a cat­a­lyst for rebirth. Much like the char­ac­ters in clas­sic Ital­ian come­dies, who are mas­ters in using irony to face life’s hard­ships, Il Quadro di Troisi explores the vast and unpre­dictable ter­rain between the lighter and dark­er sides of the human expe­ri­ence, match­ing the mag­i­cal with the mundane.

La Com­me­dia is about the many facets of life: each song is named after an arche­type (e.g. the truth, the night, the Earth, the prophet), as though our exis­tence were a tarot deck and its read­ing an exer­cise in col­lec­tive consciousness. 

A rare gem, con­firm­ing Il Quadro di Troisis rel­e­vance in the inter­na­tion­al music scene, as demon­strat­ed by the num­ber of top-lev­el artists fea­tured on the album: from Suzanne Ciani, a leg­end and a pio­neer of inde­pen­dent music with a career span­ning five decades, to Aimee Por­ti­oli, aka Grand Riv­er, a Dutch-Ital­ian musi­cian, com­pos­er and sound design­er based in Berlin, along with Francesca Colombo’s eclec­tic vio­lin (the de fac­to fourth angle” of Il Quadro di Troisis frame), Fiona Brice’s strings, cul­tur­al agi­ta­tor and icon of the Roman under­ground scene Ste­fano Di Tra­pani (aka Dement­ed Bur­ro­ca­cao and a mem­ber of Trap­coustic and Sys­tem Hard­ware Abnor­mal, among oth­er projects), Mae­stro Daniele Di Gre­go­rio, an excel­lent musi­cian and a long­time col­lab­o­ra­tor of song­writ­ing leg­end Pao­lo Con­te, and Tom­ma­so Cap­pel­la­to, whose pro­fes­sion­al descrip­tion goes well beyond drum­mer” and who has been work­ing with artists like Rabih Beai­ni and Mau­rice Louca.

The cov­er of the album, as well as that of the sin­gle, was designed by Francesco Messi­na, anoth­er icon of Ital­ian music. Messi­na is a long­time Fran­co Bat­tia­to col­lab­o­ra­tor and co-author, a cult musi­cian (his Prati Bag­nati del Monte Anal­o­go, made in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Roul Lovi­soni, is con­sid­ered a sem­i­nal record by the alter­na­tive Ital­ian music scene), as well as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, visu­al artist and the author of leg­endary record covers.

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