Interstellar Funk Apparitions radio show

The Rush Hour prodi­gy was back sail­ing the air­waves on the month­ly radio show from June Records.

June Records is a Berlin-based label found­ed in 2010 with a pas­sion for explor­ing the dark, strange and obscure faces elec­tron­ic music has to offer. Hav­ing formed a label with very sim­i­lar ideas to Instel­lar Funk’s Arti­fi­cial Dance imprint his invi­ta­tion
to their month­ly radio show would seem rather fitting.

The hour-long endeav­our was aired ear­li­er this month on the Lyon based radio sta­tion LYL Radio and was a per­fect exam­ple of the unpre­dictable nature of Inter­stel­lar Funk. Set­ting the tone in the first quar­ter of the show with moody beat­less selec­tions
he lat­er went onto build­ing the son­ic jour­ney with mind-bend­ing elec­tron­ics and synth dri­ven spacey cuts. Get lost in the show below.

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