Job Jobse: Dagen Van Diamant

Dagen Van Dia­mant, the per­fect sum­mer mix, is out now. 

Immerse your­self in the nos­tal­gic vibes rem­i­nis­cent of ear­ly 2000s Glob­al Under­ground Ibiza, the dreamy allure of 90s Ital­ian dream house, the blend of old and new school pro­gres­sive beats, all cul­mi­nat­ing in a grand Balearic sun­set crescendo.

Cel­e­brate the essence of a per­fect sum­mer day with this 3h ode” set while pic­tur­ing dia­mond-like days where you desire noth­ing more than bask­ing with friends, loung­ing under the sun and embrac­ing refresh­ing dips in the water. Whether it’s on a sandy beach, at a live­ly pool par­ty, dur­ing a road­trip or any sun soaked scene you chose, Job Job­se promis­es to trans­port you there, with this new set enti­tled, Dagen van Diamant. 

This com­pi­la­tion fea­tures not only beloved clas­sics, but also hid­den trea­sures, unre­leased gems and bona fide hits — each metic­u­lous­ly cho­sen and test­ed to enhance the expe­ri­ence. Fea­tur­ing tracks by Spray, Aldon­na, Fan­tas­tic Man, Nalin & Kane, Chi­cane, Run­ning Hot, Alex Kass­ian, eoin dj, Asphalt DJ & Gzardin, Paul van Dyk, Nair­Less, Trent Voy­age & Ele­na Moroder, Gaskin, Spooky, Under­world, Jex Opo­lis, CC Dis­co, Per­ish­ing Thirst, Solar Suite, Dylan Forbes, tape_​hiss and many more.

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