Legowelt and Willie Burns launch online TV show

Dutch­man Legow­elt and Amer­i­can Willie Burns sure are known for their weird elec­tron­ic records on labels like L.I.E.S. and Crème Orga­ni­za­tion, but now the enig­mat­ic pair have hooked up for a new TV show that is just as odd. Enti­tled Relics of the Past, the first part of the show fea­tures the two tal­ents lift­ing weights, smok­ing weed, skate­board­ing and unearthing ancient relics, all the while with the sound­track they made them­selves play­ing over the top. Tune in here for part one of this charm­ing piece of cult video. 

For more info on Legow­elt check out his full artist pro­file over here.

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