Mike Parker: Sabre-Tooth

Mike Park­er arrives on Samu­rai with his lat­est cre­ation, Sabre-Tooth.

It goes with­out say­ing that Mike Park­er stands as one of the most influ­en­tial fig­ures of under­ground tech­no. His hyp­not­ic live hard­ware approach has unde­ni­ably shaped the tra­jec­to­ry of the genre since the late 1990s, giv­ing birth to some of its defin­i­tive tracks.

With Sabre-Tooth, Mike Park­er makes his debut on Samu­rai, deliv­er­ing four com­po­si­tions that build upon his essen­tial Dev­ils Cura­tors series on Spazio Disponible, the label helmed by Dona­to Dozzy and Neel. In that series, he ini­tial­ly explored the 85170 BPM tem­po, show­cas­ing his inno­v­a­tive experiments.

Sabre-Tooth rep­re­sents a robust styl­is­tic recal­i­bra­tion of Mike’s machine-infused funk, as hint­ed in his remix of Pre­sha’s Main­lin­er” in 2022, but now pre­sent­ed in stand­alone tracks for the first time.

Stead­fast cyber-rhythms, pre­ci­sion per­cus­sion, and trade­mark oscil­lat­ing ana­logue waves are the mag­ic ingre­di­ents on each track. Sparse ele­ments honed to max­i­mum effect, the Mike Park­er science.

Sabre-Tooth is released 23 June 2023 on Samurai.

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