Neel: Disco Quarantine EP

Neels lat­est record, Dis­co Quar­an­tine, pressed at Archer Records and dis­trib­uted by clone just got released.

Explor­ing the bound­aries between gen­res, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pure deep tech­no and dis­co — this is rarely achieved — Neel con­tin­ues to explore the edges with the ever propul­sive title cut, and fur­ther con­nec­tions with each song. 

Psy­che­del­ic, propul­sive, sub­tle, per­fect­ly pro­duced gems rang­ing from hedo­nis­tic under­ground moments where time ceas­es to exist to moments of explo­ration through­out the cos­mos. It feels like the B side open­er Deep Quar­an­tine was com­posed for the envi­ron­ment at No Way Back, though it is equal­ly eter­nal and avail­able to any floor any­where in the world. 

This EP comes in black or col­or vinyl with the new IT cos­mic sleeve that debuted with Erika’s remix EP. The dig­i­tal ver­sion con­tains the bonus track Acid Quarantine”.

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