Neel pitches in on the latest Substrato VA release

One of Italy’s key pur­vey­ors of tech­no joins famil­iar faces on a release for Substrato. 

The label is ori­ent­ed to the acoustics of the tech­no” ambi­ence and is in con­tin­u­al search of the explo­rations that accom­pa­ny the hyp­not­ic jour­ney towards sub­ter­ranean and sub­merged worlds.’ Read­ing into the ethos behind the label and then reflect­ing on the assem­bly of the whole EP it comes to no sur­prise Neel would be an incor­po­rat­ed name. 

His tur­bu­lent addi­tion Fumana’ is the open­ing cut on the EP and stands along­side tracks from Reti​na​.it, Acronym, and Evigt Mork­er. As you will find in the short sam­ple below the track is a hyp­not­ic com­bi­na­tion of haunt­ing pads, alien motifs and rolling low end. Lis­ten to the track below.

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