NVST: Easy life w/ Mânaa

NVST was back for anoth­er episode of Easy Life, delight­ed by the pres­ence of Mânaa for this month, which marks the start of Ramadan.

Mânaa is a Swiss-Moroc­can artist based in Zürich, who has been active on the under­ground scene for over 7 years.

A jack-of-all-trades DJ, cura­tor and res­i­dent on osa radio with Time to heal’, she feeds her musi­cal work with his­to­ry, mem­o­ry and emo­tions. Her work is told to the rhythm of a music that fus­es bass and elec­tron­ic influ­ences, the sen­si­tiv­i­ty of RnB and the ener­gy of con­tem­po­rary pop­u­lar music. Fur­ther­more, she is founder of the VOUS ETES REUS? col­lec­tive, where she pro­vides a space for pro­gram­ming and and expres­sion for music’s mar­gin­al­ized voices.

A true reflec­tion of her com­mit­ment to love and diver­si­ty, her evenings are unfor­get­table encoun­ters between emerg­ing sound projects and inter­na­tion­al tal­ent. Enjoy the show!

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