Palms Trax at Brilliant Corners for Resident Advisor

The diverse selec­tor was called upon by Res­i­dent Advi­sor for their par­ty at Bril­liant Cor­ners in London. 

Over recent years Res­i­dent Advi­sor has focused more and more on curat­ing events that play host to some of the worlds best and most in-demand selec­tors often hous­ing them in one-off or unlike­ly loca­tions. And that’s exact­ly whats in store for you here when they invit­ed Palms Trax to play at the Lon­don based Japan­ese restau­rant Bril­liant Corners. 

A 90-minute extract of the 5‑hour set can now be reliv­ed and it is a joy­ous ride through heart­felt soul and groove-filled dis­co. Despite being wide­ly known as a prime-time choice the Eng­lish native show­cas­es his abil­i­ties to warm up a dance­floor with this down­tem­po affair that’s got peo­ple buzzing for a full track­list. Check it out here. 

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