Roi Perez: Solstice Festival 2023

Dive into Roi Perezs set at this year’s Sol­stice Fes­ti­val in Lapland.

Sol­stice Fes­ti­val is a gath­er­ing for those enjoy­ing a com­bi­na­tion of music, art and nature. Tak­ing place dur­ing mid­sum­mer in north­ern Fin­land next to the Arc­tic Cir­cle when the sun does­n’t set at all con­tributes to a unique atmos­phere with pic­toresque views over pine trees and lakes.

Roi Perez is known for play­ing long, eclec­tic sets that offer a dynam­ic musi­cal jour­ney through gen­res and styles, where house and tech­no music are weaved togeth­er with dis­co and elec­tro to cre­ate a hyp­no­tiz­ing, pow­er­ful yet play­ful musi­cal experience.

What bet­ter moment for Roi Perez to share the very first record­ing of one of his live set. He took the dance­floor after Ajuka­ja & Ats who played a live set around 120 bpm. You can now lis­ten to his full set.

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