Ron Morelli at The Lot Radio

It would only be right for Ron Morelli to swing by The Lot Radio while in New York. 

Ron Morel­li has been back over the Atlantic tour­ing across North and South Amer­i­ca. Upon his return to New York, he linked up with the Lost Soul Enter­prise crew for a radio show at the infa­mous Brook­lyn based spot. 

From the get-go, he dives straight into a bru­tal­is­ing dis­play of ear­split­ting elec­tron­ics. Grit­ty dis­tor­tion, pound­ing drums, and mean synth lines are all recur­ring themes through­out the hour- along affair. The L.I.E.S boss put this one togeth­er with a healthy amount of unre­leased tracks leav­ing the ques­tion.… Is there any of this music we can expect to be released in the remain­der of 2018? Who knows, check it out below! 

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