Saoirse: fabric presents

Saoirse is the lat­est cura­tor of the pres­ti­gious fab­ric presents com­pi­la­tion series.

The dig­i­tal release is set for July 14th, while the phys­i­cal release hits the shelves on Sep­tem­ber 8th, cour­tesy of fab­ric Records. The 19-track mix and eight-track LP fea­ture ever­green tracks aimed to sound fresh across all three rooms of the Lon­don club. The release fea­tures mate­r­i­al from the likes of Luca Lozano, DJ Nor­mal 4, as well as exclu­sive tracks from Junes, fel­low SASS mem­ber Shan­ti Celeste and the lat­est ener­getic sin­gle, RM 1” from Saoirse herself.

It’s hard to artic­u­late what doing a fab­ric presents means to me, a club and mix series I feel tru­ly indebt­ed to.

Saoirse: fabric presents

Hav­ing pre­vi­ous­ly released music on labels like Step Ball Chain and her own imprint, TRUST, Saoirse has firm­ly estab­lished her tal­ent with­in the indus­try. That being said, being select­ed for this series is a huge mile­stone. It was a night at fab­ric sev­er­al years ago that inspired Dublin-born Saoirse to leave her home­town to pur­sue her life­long dream of DJing. 

Mark your cal­en­dars for Sep­tem­ber 9th 2023, when Saoirse will host a par­ty at fab­ric to cel­e­brate the release of her compilation. 


01. Duck­ett — Flex
02. Geeneus — Yel­low­tail
03. Luca Lozano — Iden­ti­fy
04. DJ Nor­mal 4 — Tran­scen­den­tal Train­ing Tac­tics
05. Nitz — Mi-au
06. Caim — Illu­sion
07. Jacek Sienkiewicz — The Evi­dence
08. 616 — 369
09. Junes — Pilot
10. Reba — Azimuth Cir­cle
11. Kom­po — Func­tion
12. Javier Car­ballo — Beat Inves­ti­ga­tor
13. Kosh — Square One
14. Sin lim­ites — Sin Lim­ites
15. Hamat­su­ki — Shrink
16. Mam­mo — Sum­mit
17. Caunos — Herzsprung 1
18. Shan­ti Celeste — Fluffy
19. Saoirse — RM1

A1. Saoirse — RM 1
A2. Hamat­su­ki — Shrink
B1. Junes — Pilot
B2. Mam­mo — Sum­mit
C1. 616369
C2. Shan­ti Celeste — Fluffy
D1. Sin Lim­ites — Sin Lim­ites
D2. Robert Livesu & Joe Mon­tana — Chem­i­cal Voodoo 

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