Sassy J on Solid Steel Radio

The Swiss native put together a real journey for her show on the Ninja Tune radio airwaves.

Ahead of the AVA Fes­ti­val in Noth­ern Ire­land, Sassy J co-host­ed a 2‑hour long show with local Belfast selec­tor Jor­dan. Stretch­ing 80 min­utes long the cre­ative force behind the Patch­work imprint put her 20 years of DJ expe­ri­ence to use to deliv­er a no-non­sense radio show. 

As you would expect Sassy J pulls out a lit­tle bit of every­thing from her record bag from reg­gae to neo soul and still finds time to incor­po­rate some cuts from more con­tem­po­rary labels such as L.I.E.S and Safe Trip. The mix breezes through ele­gant­ly and with ease mak­ing it a real sound­track for the sum­mer. In her own words, she said I love to cre­ate son­ic jour­neys through sounds, vibes and words. Set­ting moods, vis­it­ing places in the imag­i­na­tion, express­ing my feel­ings and thoughts. I like to let the music speak for itself on the 80-minute ride”. Get a taste below!

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