Sebastian Mullaert 'Woods of Admittance'

The Swedish producer drops the latest single from his forthcoming album 'Natthall'.

Ear­li­er this year Sebas­t­ian Mul­laert announced his lat­est cre­ative project which finds him work­ing along­side the Ton­halle Orch­ester Zürich (one of the top 10 phil­har­mon­ics in the world). Col­lec­tive­ly they have com­posed an eight-track album titled Natthall set for release lat­er this year. Fol­low­ing on from a series of sin­gles ahead of the album’s release comes their lat­est for Woods of Admittance’. 

Hap­py to share my new sin­gle Woods of Admit­tance” from the forth­com­ing Natthall LP. As most of you know I believe that both wild nature and impro­vised art & music remind us about the nat­ur­al flow of life. Spend­ing time in nature and with raw and unfixed artis­tic expres­sions can be a space for us to heal. I don’t think there are any expec­ta­tions or judge­ments in the way the first wel­comes us and my deep wish is that the music I share with you hold the same ener­gy and poten­tials. Woods of Admit­tance is record­ed with soloists from Ton­halle-Orch­ester Zürich.”

Lis­ten here

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