Suzanne Kraft Études Mix

Soothing soundsmith and Melody As Truth associate Suzanne Kraft has put together a magically mellow selection for Etudes, the multi-platform brand based in Paris and New York that has a focus experimental and engaging content.

Kraft — who col­lab­o­rat­ed with John­ny Nash on their Pas­sive Aggres­sive album back in May — serves up an hour long mix which is a hor­i­zon­tal affair with gen­tle pianos, lilt­ing acoustic gui­tars and som­bre vocal lul­la­bies that add up to a per­fect post-club come­down or mid week warmer. Tune in below!

Last­ly, his lat­est col­lab­o­ra­tion, a 6 track EP with D.K, is out now and avail­able for pur­chas­ing here.

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