Welcome Carrier!

With great plea­sure, we wel­come Guy Brew­er’s lat­est project, Car­ri­er.

Guy Brew­er has always exist­ed in the hin­ter­lands of elec­tron­ic music. He began to exper­i­ment with sound in the mid-1990’s, using a rudi­men­ta­ry set­up for his ear­ly attempts at drum n’ bass. Quick­ly he gained recog­ni­tion, tour­ing the world as a DJ and con­tribut­ing releas­es to some of the gen­re’s most laud­ed imprints, many of which attained clas­sic status

Ever in search of a new chal­lenge though, his head was turned by the quick­ly evolv­ing, cre­pus­cu­lar sounds emerg­ing from the tech­no scene and he walked away from drum &bass, embark­ing on the Shift­ed project and found­ing the ground­break­ing Avian label in 2011. Brew­er con­struct­ed a net­work of pseu­do­nyms which he deployed for his exper­i­ments with tech­no and adja­cent sounds, touch­ing on dubbed out min­i­mal­ism (Pacif­ic Blue), rhyth­mic noise (Cov­ered in Sand) and arrest­ing drone and feed­back works (Alexan­der­Lewis). He quick­ly found him­self at the cut­ting edge of the movement

Yet, with an ever-evolv­ing artis­tic spir­it, he once again finds him­self leav­ing behind the past and adopt­ing a new moniker amidst new sur­round­ings. Car­ri­er embod­ies his eclec­tic jour­ney as an artist, draw­ing from his expe­ri­ences in d&b, tech­no, and beyond. It rep­re­sents a depar­ture from the con­fines of any spe­cif­ic genre, embrac­ing a more unbound­ed style. 

In Brew­er’s own words: When I think about the process of writ­ing the final Shift­ed LP, which was com­plet­ed in 2020, I was already seek­ing to detach. With the ben­e­fit of hind­sight, I can see that I’d already begun to search for where to go next.” 

With Car­ri­er, he finds him­self on the out­side look­ing out, and broad­en­ing his hori­zons. I think Car­ri­er is about me delv­ing into every­thing I have picked up along my jour­ney as an artist, be it drum and bass, tech­no or my for­ays into more exper­i­men­tal areas. It’s all been viewed through my lens, but I’ve com­part­men­talised it. Car­ri­er is about cre­at­ing a sense of uni­ty, tak­ing my palette and apply­ing it to some­thing that draws on all these influences.

For book­ing or any inquiry, reach out to Ver­e­na.

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