Welcome Yonti!

We are hap­py to announce the lat­est addi­tion to the Octo-ros­ter: Yon­ti.

Yon­ti quick­ly estab­lished him­self as a dri­ving force with­in Berlin’s pul­sat­ing scene and gained recog­ni­tion across some of Europe’s busiest dance­floors, includ­ing reg­u­lar appear­ances at Berghain and many of the hottest inter­na­tion­al queer parties. 

Push­ing for an uncom­pro­mis­ing­ly raw, rugged and hyp­not­ic sound, rife with nods to the Birm­ing­ham scene and Berlin’s bru­tal­ist 90s vibe, his sets are a dis­play of momen­tum and tension-building.

Yon­tis unwa­ver­ing ener­gy and pre­cise sound have cement­ed his pres­ence in his home­town — from for­mer res­i­den­cies at icon­ic clubs like The Block’ and the infa­mous Pag’ queer nights, to his cur­rent res­i­den­cy at​‘Phi Gar­den’, where he curates tech­no-focused nights and runs a queer house-ori­en­t­ed event series called​‘Gazoz,’ all while pro­mot­ing a left polit­i­cal agen­da with­in the city’s nightlife.

For any book­ing inquiry please email Ver­e­na Lutz.

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