Orpheu The Wizard live from Dekmantel Selectors

This summer, adventurous DJ Orpheu The Wizard laid down some scorching sets at Dekmantel Festival in Amsterdam as well as their Selectors Festival in Croatia, where he played the Voodoo Stage surrounded by trees lit up by moon beams.

This per­fect loca­tion had such a spe­cial ener­gy that it led Orpheu to lay down a set where he says every­thing fell in its right place.” As such it is an adven­tur­ous and colour­ful selec­tion full of acro­bat­ic twists and turns that all score a per­fect ten. From Bas­tion’s Yugosla­vian new wave synth pop to Sotofet­t’s per­cus­sive rework of King Ghazi, and from Ita­lo-esque South-Africa jams to Strict­ly Rhyth­m’s house clas­sic Span­ish Rit­u­al. It’s a wild ride suit­able for a wild occa­sion and real­ly shows off what makes the man behind it so special.

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