Dekmantel Rinse Takeover

The esteemed Dek­man­tel col­lec­tive recent­ly did a 12 hour takeover of Rinse FM, and you can now lis­ten back to the sets var­i­ous mem­bers of the fam­i­ly served up.

The first ever artists to release on the label were Juju & Jor­dash, their mix of jazzed up house and synth selec­tions can be found below. Red Light founder Orpheu The Wiz­ard showed off his spaced out cos­mic sounds, young and ever ris­ing star Inter­stel­lar Funk again got eclec­tic with his synth heavy mix, and final­ly the two who start­ed it all, Thomas and Casper, aka Dek­man­tel Soundsys­tem, fin­ished off with some loose per­cus­sive grooves.

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