Donato Dozzy: Last Life - Remixed 1

Samu­rai Music wel­comes Dona­to Dozzy back to the label for anoth­er 170bpm excur­sion, this time a propul­sive floor-burn­ing remix of Last Life — Hidden.

In the ini­tial install­ment of this two-part series, two fel­low mem­bers of the Samu­rai Music fam­i­ly, both influ­en­tial fig­ures in the Tech­no and broad­er elec­tron­ic music scene: Dona­to Dozzy and Reeko were featured. 

While Dona­to trans­forms Hid­den” into a com­pelling 4/4 rhythm with a brisk tem­po of 170, cre­at­ing an intense and dynam­ic atmos­phere. Reeko recon­structs Ten­sor” into a ser­pen­tine groove, weav­ing it around a pow­er­ful and res­o­nant kick, result­ing in a for­mi­da­ble and cap­ti­vat­ing son­ic experience.

Both avail­able on Band­camp and Voidvinyl.

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