Donato Dozzy: Terraforma Grand Final w/ Marco Shuttle

With great hum­ble­ness, Dona­to Dozzy b2b with Mar­co Shut­tle, the two dear friends have care­ful­ly broad­ened and lulled, record after record, an inti­mate space of trust, exchange, and deep-time con­nec­tion for the last edi­tion of Ter­rafor­ma at Vil­la Arconati. 

Dozzy and Shuttle’s finale unfold­ed like twi­light. A pro­longed dusk caressed by an eerie driz­zle. Shad­ows and whis­pers echo­ing with the sur­round­ings. Synaps­es slow­ly reach­ing the ground, merg­ing and becom­ing one with the under­ground rhi­zomat­ic net­works. A mem­o­rable ren­dez-Nous with­in a frac­tal space. It felt like being at the core cen­ter of the matrix, enveloped by a warmth rem­i­nis­cent of a mater­nal womb. I found myself in a weight­less sus­pen­sion, envi­sion­ing the past, the present and the future, all togeth­er in a blink of an eye.”

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