Ron Morelli - Betting On Death EP

The L.I.E.S. bossman returns to Hospital Productions.

Ron Morel­li’s exper­i­men­tal works have become a sta­ple in the Hos­pi­tal Pro­duc­tions cat­a­logue in the last ten years. This includes the albums: SpitPeriscope BluesA Gath­er­ing Togeth­er and Dis­ap­pear­er – and not to for­get 2013’s Back­pages EP. And now, 2020 sees Morel­li return to the trea­sured New York-based label with a four-track EP

1. Is The Stock Mar­ket Open On Good Fri­day?
2. Rock­et Catch n’ BoB
3. Inverse Head And Shoul­ders
4. But The Rumor, Sell The News

fur­ther on from his last lp of abstract elec­tron­ics man walks the earth’, Morel­li con­tin­ues with patient, long form, oppres­sive ana­log synth and dig­i­tal con­crete apoc­a­lyp­tic large scale iso­la­tion breath­ing units filled with deliv­ery trucks and long queues. bet­ting on death’ deals with the world of day trad­ing flip stocks and prof­i­teer­ing from impend­ing finan­cial psy­chosis. as doors con­tin­ue to close to the cadence of the tick­er tape as the mon­ey keeps being print­ed… adapt for eco­nom­ic sur­vival with this hi-risk ambi­ent-elec­tron­ics epic for prof­i­teers fore­shad­ow­ing inflation.”

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