Wata Igarashi at Balance 2021

A four-hour live record­ing of Wata Igarashi at Bal­ance by Mindgames last Octo­ber has just been released.

With the 20th anniver­sary of Mindgames’ musi­cal cer­e­mo­ny” The Labyrinth in sight (810 Octo­ber), now is the per­fect time to men­tal­ly trans­port to the deeply atmos­pher­ic, moun­tain­ous Hodai­gi Camp­ground in Gun­ma, Japan.

On this very site, Wata Igarashi appeared at their 2021 event, Bal­ance and he is set to make a wel­come return this week­end to The Labyrinth along­side Dona­to Dozzy, Peter Van Hoe­sen & Kangding Ray.

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