Dekmantel Podcast 054: San Soda

Dek­man­tel’s pod­cast series con­tin­ues with a great new instal­ment from our own Bel­gian star, San Soda, who has­n’t put out many mix­es late­ly, so it is a real treat to hear from him. San Soda is an acclaimed DJ and deep dig­ger who can reach for many treats from many dif­fer­ent scenes. He does so here with a true sense of soul and proves that his selec­tions are always on point and effort­less, mov­ing from Lar­ry Heard to Masike Mohapi, from Louie Vega to Kimiko Kasai, and beyond. Tune in and get danc­ing here.

For more info on San Soda check out his full artist pro­file over here.

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