Peter Van Hoesen in conversation with Peter Zinovieff

Two gen­er­a­tions of syn­the­siz­er spe­cial­ists entan­gled in an inspir­ing con­ver­sa­tion. VCS inven­tor and EMS founder Peter Zinovi­eff meets tech­no musi­cian and co-own­er of ana­logue synth stu­dio Handw­erk Audio, Peter Van Hoe­sen, for Das Fil­ter. The pair talk about synths, how they got into their art, of course the famous VC3, and less obvi­ous; the Euro­vi­sion Sound­con­test. It is a great meet­ing of minds that is packed with great insight and can be read here.

For more info on Peter Van Hoe­sen check out his full artist pro­file over here.

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