Peter Van Hoesen Blocaus Podcast

Bel­gian mae­stro Peter van Hoe­sen serves up the lat­est edi­tion in the Blo­caus pod­cast series. 

Parisian out­let Blo­caus have been a big fan of Peter Van Hoe­sen since their ear­ly begin­nings. He’s no stranger to their tech­no-fueled par­ties and ear­li­er this year land­ed on their label with an impres­sive remix of AWB — Pho­to­syn­the­sis. In antic­i­pa­tion for his return to their next event Blo­caus called upon Peter to sup­ply their lat­est podcast. 

From the get-go, the Time To Express boss puts his foot straight on the gas deliv­er­ing a high tem­po, ener­gis­ing dis­play of deep dub­by tech­no. The mix has grip­ping moments of head spacey hys­te­ria but repeat­ed­ly regains your focus with pound­ing four to the floor big hit­ters. Expect names like; Scha­trax, Steve Bick­nell and Denise Rabe. Tune in below.

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