In conversation with Sebastian Mullaert

Swedish purveyor of techno Sebastian Mullaert converses with Subjekt at Sommerøya Festival.

Ahead of his per­for­mance at Som­merøya fes­ti­val Nor­we­gian mag­a­zine out­let Sub­jekt found a com­fy spot on the fes­ti­val ter­rain to sit and con­verse with Sebas­t­ian Mullaert.

With­out giv­ing too much away, the inter­view touch­es on his thoughts on the fes­ti­val, his approach to per­form­ing, his spir­i­tu­al and zen approach to pro­duc­ing and much more. Take a lis­ten to the inter­view in its entire­ty below to get a deep­er insight into the mind of Sebas­t­ian Mullaert. 

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