San Proper Solid Steel Radio Podcast

The man, the myth, the legend San Proper delivers the latest Solid Steel Radio podcast.

Sol­id Steel Radio is the pod­cast series from the high­ly respect­ed Nin­ja Tune records. The lat­est pod­casts come in two parts, the lat­ter from Tin Man and the for­mer from our very own San Proper. 

The Rush Hour favourite San Prop­er tack­led his pod­cast with his usu­al diverse and free-spir­it­ed approach. The mix is some­what an ode to Nin­ja Tune itself cap­tur­ing its sound of the last 20 years. Draw­ing a heavy influ­ence from funk the pod­cast also touch­es on triphop and B‑boy-Jazz which San feels was well pre­served by Nin­ja Tune over the years. Expect a wide selec­tion of names rang­ing from Iggy Pop all the way to The P‑funk Allstar’s. 

San shared the fol­low­ing words about the mix;

Being schooled by crazy ground­break­ing artists like Aphex Twin, Mille Plateau and Jeff Mills in the mid 90s, the music by Cold­cut, Dj Food, Vadim and Dj Krush actu­al­ly felt more inspi­ra­tional, because of the Funk, Triphop & B‑boy-Jazz which was pre­served by Nin­ja Tune, there­fore it is more than a sen­ti­men­tal hon­or to boomerang it with a mix for Sol­id Steel. This right here, my mix, is the after-effect of a mid-90s-Young­blood-Dj try­ing to put his foot down. Proud to be able to work this mix 20 years lat­er… I am a Nin­ja Toon.

One love. San.”

Tune into this one below. 

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