Bambounou Solid Steel Radio Show

The Parisian pur­vey­or of tech­no put in an hour spe­cial for Nin­ja Tune’s radio show. 

Sol­id Steel Radio is the radio show series from the high­ly respect­ed Nin­ja Tune records. The show comes in two one hour slots and always plays host to cut­ting-edge artists from around the world. Their lat­est edi­tion fea­tures two ris­ing names in the elec­tron­ic music scene in the form of the Copen­hagen based sound artist Puce Mary and our very own Bam­bounou

Bam­bounou takes con­trol of the reigns for the open­ing hour show­cas­ing his diverse and unique style. Record­ed live from his stu­dio in Paris, he opens up with a num­ber of play­ful rhythms that ease you in before switch­ing gears and tak­ing things deep with dub­by, hard-hit­ting tech­no and elec­tro cuts. Expect tracks from artists such as Sur­geon, DJ Spi­der, along­side some of his own pro­duc­tions and much more. 

The main man him­self shared the fol­low­ing words about the mix;

Hey every­one, this is a mix I did in my stu­dio in Paris, I put up some tracks that I like play­ing and lis­ten­ing to at the moment, I hope you are going to enjoy it, now I’m about to hit the gym and have a big break­fast after that cause I need the carbs (I’m already work­ing on my sum­mer body and its Octo­ber !!! GET MOTI­VAT­ED).
If you lis­ten care­ful­ly you will notice that I played one of my new track, Ter­raform­ing is no easy, which I did for a com­pi­la­tion for one of my favorite artist : Mum­dance they are as well 3 oth­er tracks from me includ­ing my remix for a very tal­ent­ed French artist: BLNDR
Have a lis­ten thanks.”

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