Ron Morelli at Dommune

Ron Morelli delivers a heavy assault for his performance at Dommune.

Dom­mune is a live stream­ing stu­dio opened in 2010 by Nao­hi­ro Ukawa, a promi­nent fig­ure in the art scene of Japan. Fol­low­ing the clo­sure of Microof­fice in 2008, Ukawa set up Dom­mune as a new cul­tur­al base. Talk shows, DJs and live per­for­mances are fea­tured on week­days between 19:00 and 24:00, which are also relayed through Ustream and Twitter.

The past few week­ends have seen Ron Morel­li embark on an Asia Tour in light of his lat­est album, DIS­AP­PEAR­ER, on the pres­ti­gious Hos­pi­tal Pro­duc­tions. The tour fea­tured shows in both Japan and South Korea includ­ing a stop at one of Toky­o’s most excit­ing cul­tur­al bases Dom­mune. Over the course of 2 hours, the L.I.E.S boss man deliv­ered a no mer­cy dis­play of elec­tron­ic destruc­tive­ness. From start to fin­ish he show­cas­es a blis­ter­ing assault of pound­ing high tem­po cuts that are ooz­ing in grit­ty dis­tor­tion and backed by thump­ing drum pat­terns. Expect tracks from the likes of Reg­is, Pop­u­la­tion One, Plan­e­tary Assault Sys­tems and many more. 

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