Watch Circle of Live at Freerotation 2018

Dig a little deeper into Sebastian Mullaert's Circle Of Live with this hour excerpt from their performance from Freerotation Festival.

In addi­tion to their detailed doc­u­men­tary that unrav­els and explores Sebas­t­ian Mul­laert’s lat­est con­cept, Cir­cle Of Live, Res­i­dent Advi­sor pre­miered an hour from their debut per­for­mance at the leg­endary Welsh fes­ti­val Freero­ta­tion. Stream­ing live through their Face­book and Youtube plat­forms the hour-long excerpt, tak­en from an 8‑hour per­for­mance, cap­tures the spon­tane­ity and impro­vi­sa­tion of the artists work­ing col­lec­tive­ly but also individually. 

The diverse and healthy line up con­sist­ed of Sebas­t­ian Mul­laert, Johan­na Knutsson, Doris­burg, Math­ew Jon­son, and Freero­ta­tion co-founders Stee­vio and Suzy­bee. Tun­ing into the fea­ture below you will find the artists fol­low Mul­laert into a flu­id vol­ley of musi­cal ideas, jump­ing in when they have some­thing to add, the rest of the time hang­ing back and lis­ten­ing.” It’s tru­ly a unique expe­ri­ence which in Sebas­tian’s words no video or pho­to will ever be rep­re­sen­ta­tive for the ener­gy in that room but here you have a lit­tle glimpse or maybe a trig­ger of a good mem­o­ry if you were there”. 

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